We equip systems with hardware and system software. We build private clouds and also provide our infrastructure resources. We are a reliable partner with knowledge and tradition, providing you with the best, most reliable, safe hardware, software and advanced services.
Whether a data center or cloud, we always select and set up the optimal solution for you. We also provide the required monitoring and management.
A reliable information infrastructure is one of the most important elements contributing to a company’s successful performance. In cooperation with leading global hardware and software manufacturers, we offer you advanced solutions for high-performance, secure and reliable information systems.
We ensure the entire installation of hardware and system software, including development approaches and key processes in IT infrastructure management. We build private clouds for you, which can be linked to our infrastructure resources or other public clouds per your needs.
Our solutions facilitate the central management of all your computer equipment. You will thus be able to monitor the configuration of the computers at your organization in a simpler, quicker and more consistent manner. You will have a better overview and the possibility of quicker distribution of security patches. We also establish central monitoring of access to your information system and protect your entire infrastructure. To this end, we use advanced solutions that rely on machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI).
Experts help you select the most suitable equipment, and we supply, install and configure that equipment for you, i.e., from servers, network equipment, laptops and software to everything you need for IP telephony.
We ensure the maximum security of your information system with the best possible hardware and software and through our monitoring and management services. We also provide a backup data center.
We set up professional equipment for you: videoconference systems, IP telephony, a data center, a contact center, or establish a system for secure remote access – we will provide you with anything you need.
Our expert teams help you solve the challenges of planning and setting up new data centers and communication networks. In so doing, we also provide resources from our data center in a secure business cloud.
We put in place an active, passive and wireless network for you. We link data centers, systems for secure remote access and ensure a secure transition to the web.
We also provide you with all the computer equipment you require for work. In so doing, we also supply you with the software and relevant protection you require.
We provide solutions for the management and monitoring of your infrastructure and software. We also monitor the operation of your infrastructure and react immediately to detected errors.
We ensure the security of your system, email and other business applications. You also have a backup data center at your disposal and also rapid recovery scenarios implemented for you.
We set up IP telephony, a contact center, a communication portal, or a video conferencing system at your organization. We also offer solutions for application platforms.
If you have any issues regarding infrastructure, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. Irrespective of the dimensions of your project – whether relating to building your network, a hybrid cloud, or a lease, we will always find the most suitable and acceptable solution for your needs.
SRC sistemske integracije d.o.o.
Tržaška cesta 116
1001 Ljubljana, Slovenia
T: +386 1 600 7000
F: +386 1 423 4173
E: src@src.si
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Environmental and social responsibility policies
Vse uporabnike storitev v računalniškem oblaku obveščamo, da se vsi sistemi ponovno normalno odzivajo. Po doslej zbranih informacijah je ob izvajanju gradbenih del prišlo do prekinitve linije, na kar je programska oprema za upravljanje z diskovnim poljem odreagirala napačno. S pomočjo proizvajalca diskovnega sistema smo uspeli sanirati problem okrog 11h dopoldne. Zaradi velikega števila strežnikov, ki se nahajajo v računalniškem oblaku je ponovna vzpostavitev v polno funkcionalno stanje trajala okrog 50 minut.
Spletno mesto uporablja piškotke zaradi boljše uporabniške izkušnje. Z uporabo naše spletne strani potrjujete, da se z njihovo uporabo strinjate.