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Infrastructure solutions

All for your information infrastructure

We establish networks, control, messaging and conferencing systems, and ensure security.

Solutions for your information infrastructure

Do you need a new local network, a professionally set up wireless network, IP telephony or video conferencing system? You might already have all this and you need better solutions to manage your infrastructure and its security? We will help you implement your projects in a simpler and quicker manner, mostly ensuring that things run smoothly.

Network, internet and communication systems

State-of-the-art communication equipment

Our range of solutions includes all types and dimensions of contemporary networks and data centers. We can also help you put in place a video conferencing, communications and portal system. We virtualise your infrastructure and with our professional approach set up a secure local wireless network or IP telephony.

Control and security

Management of infrastructure, backup copies, VPN and more

Our solutions facilitate the central management of all your computer equipment. You will be able to monitor the configuration of computers at your organisation in a simpler, quicker and more consistent manner and distribute security patches in a quicker manner. We will also set up central control of access to your information system and the protection of the entire infrastructure through contemporary solutions that rely on machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI).

Contemporary infrastructure solutions for you.

Communications solutions

We set up passive and wireless networks, data centers, systems for secure remote access, and more.

Monitoring and management

We provide solutions for the remote management and monitoring of your infrastructure and software, as well as providing SRC Visor services.

Operational support

We can set up IP telephony, and a communication, portal or a video conferencing system for you. We also offer solutions for contact centres.

Security solutions

We ensure the security of your email system, a backup data center, the protection of computers in your network and more.

Data center

Our expert teams solve the challenges associated with planning and setting up new networks, data centers and complex databases.

Personal systems

With us you get all the computer equipment you need to work. We also provide software and appropriate protection.

Information infrastructure professionals

All solutions for your computer network in one place.

The solutions that we provide enable you to establish any advanced network that you select. Our team of experts and well-thought-out selection of hardware and software provide you with supreme solutions for a secure, contemporary and effective information infrastructure.

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Top-notch senior management and employees.


Obvestilo o ponovni dostopnosti storitev

Vse uporabnike storitev v računalniškem oblaku obveščamo, da se vsi sistemi ponovno normalno odzivajo. Po doslej zbranih informacijah je ob izvajanju gradbenih del prišlo do prekinitve linije, na kar je programska oprema za upravljanje z diskovnim poljem odreagirala napačno. S pomočjo proizvajalca diskovnega sistema smo uspeli sanirati problem okrog 11h dopoldne. Zaradi velikega števila strežnikov, ki se nahajajo v računalniškem oblaku je ponovna vzpostavitev v polno funkcionalno stanje trajala okrog 50 minut.

Spletno mesto uporablja piškotke zaradi boljše uporabniške izkušnje. Z uporabo naše spletne strani potrjujete, da se z njihovo uporabo strinjate.