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Communications solutions

Secure networks and infrastructure virtualisation.

Everything you need for your computer network.

All network dimensions, remote access
and data centers

The solutions in the range of services we offer enable you to set up or upgrade your LAN, CAN, WAN or other type of computer network. Let us provide you with a secure, high-speed and reliable flow of data in your data centre. We set up secure wireless networks, providing solutions for secure remote access and for the virtualisation of your infrastructure equipment.

Local and wireless networks

We provide everything from superior copper and fibre-optic passive communication solutions to high-throughput DWDM and CWDM fibre optic systems. We set up high-speed and reliable local and campus networks and geographically dispersed metropolitan and WAN networks. We enable providers of ICT services the use of a multi-domain and multi-service environment on a single communication infrastructure. Through wireless bridging we enable long-distance data transfers without a cable. In terms of WiFi networks, we ensure the separation of employees and visitors and the monitoring of mobile equipment and users.

Security and full utilisation of your network

We provide solutions for high-speed, reliable and also completely secure internet access from your network and in the opposite direction for the controlled remote access of employees and business partners to your internal information system. If you share your information infrastructure with other organisations, the virtualisation of communication infrastructure is used to separate communication routes in a secure manner. Organisations can thus share infrastructure costs, while actually functioning in the same manner as if they possessed their own equipment. This solution can bring significant savings.

Data centers

Through our active communication solutions for data centers, we facilitate the virtualisation of network elements and the running of protocols for the reconciliation of parameters between these elements. Management of network traffic in the data center can be tied to content, ensuring network scalability, low latency and data transfers without loss.

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Obvestilo o ponovni dostopnosti storitev

Vse uporabnike storitev v računalniškem oblaku obveščamo, da se vsi sistemi ponovno normalno odzivajo. Po doslej zbranih informacijah je ob izvajanju gradbenih del prišlo do prekinitve linije, na kar je programska oprema za upravljanje z diskovnim poljem odreagirala napačno. S pomočjo proizvajalca diskovnega sistema smo uspeli sanirati problem okrog 11h dopoldne. Zaradi velikega števila strežnikov, ki se nahajajo v računalniškem oblaku je ponovna vzpostavitev v polno funkcionalno stanje trajala okrog 50 minut.

Spletno mesto uporablja piškotke zaradi boljše uporabniške izkušnje. Z uporabo naše spletne strani potrjujete, da se z njihovo uporabo strinjate.