Control of servers, devices, components, systems and applications.
Our solutions help you establish effective control over your information infrastructure in a way that is independent of individual manufacturers. Our flexible solution provides you with an overview of the functioning of your system in real time and with an advanced alarming system. Suitable for all organisation dimensions.
Control and manage the system, communications and computer infrastructure, end user systems, peripheral devices and applications. For large and small information environments. Install software and security patches on servers and workstations remotely and according to a timetable. Control devices that connect to you remotely. Control the compliance of user configurations with your internal security policy. Receive an overview of the active computer and communications inventory, and archive or restore the settings of all system elements.
You can use a monitoring system to control whether your infrastructure is utilised optimally and locate bottlenecks. Your system will notify you of critical incidents by sending you SMSs or emails, including a control panel and tool for the generation of reports. The SRCvizor, which comprises a professional MSP service, is superior assistance for your control. You will be provided with complete control of access to your IS and security at boundaries with other networks. We will also integrate specific systems to control the passive network, data center, WiFi networks, IP telephony and other tools.
SRCvisor is a control centre for the remote monitoring of your information infrastructure in real time. We identify irregularities and generally eliminate them before they disrupt your work process. We regularly inform you of the state and key incidents in your system. You can gain information connected with the state of your information environment in a remote manner by using any user devices.
SRC sistemske integracije d.o.o.
Tržaška cesta 116
1001 Ljubljana, Slovenia
T: +386 1 600 7000
F: +386 1 423 4173
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Environmental and social responsibility policies
Vse uporabnike storitev v računalniškem oblaku obveščamo, da se vsi sistemi ponovno normalno odzivajo. Po doslej zbranih informacijah je ob izvajanju gradbenih del prišlo do prekinitve linije, na kar je programska oprema za upravljanje z diskovnim poljem odreagirala napačno. S pomočjo proizvajalca diskovnega sistema smo uspeli sanirati problem okrog 11h dopoldne. Zaradi velikega števila strežnikov, ki se nahajajo v računalniškem oblaku je ponovna vzpostavitev v polno funkcionalno stanje trajala okrog 50 minut.
Spletno mesto uporablja piškotke zaradi boljše uporabniške izkušnje. Z uporabo naše spletne strani potrjujete, da se z njihovo uporabo strinjate.