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Compliance with the eIDAS EU regulation

Your trustworthy digital identity

Simple and in compliance with EU laws.

Using a digital identity
to secure your business

A number of organisations are forced to use qualified digital certificates for the digitalisation of their services. The procedures for obtaining this certificate are generally awkward, and its use on smart phones is almost impossible. Hence, in collaboration with our partners, we provide you with a more advanced procedure for obtaining and using digital certificates.

User identification

Simple access to
digital certificates

Our window for authentication of a new user of a qualified digital certificate is always open and accessible via the web. A user introduces himself/herself and proves their identity through a simple video call. All a user needs in order to obtain an internationally recognised certificate is a valid personal identification document, an email and internet access.

iOS and Android

Simpler electronic signature

After gaining a digital identity a user can immediately begin to electronically sign documents and confirm transactions. You can use your iPhone or smart phone running the Android system. Signing is carried out using the OTP method, i.e. with the delivery of a one-time password. A digital signature has the same legal validity in EU member states and in the US as a document with a handwritten signature.

Digital identity and electronic signature

Simpler procedures and greater usability

In collaboration with our partners, we provide you with services focusing on the on-line identification of users and simple electronic signatures by using a one-time SMS password. These services have already provided a digital identity to more than six million people and an electronic signature for more than 350 million documents. Secure Drive is available for the storage of digital identities.

Would you like a presentation?

Write to us and we will gladly oblige.


Obvestilo o ponovni dostopnosti storitev

Vse uporabnike storitev v računalniškem oblaku obveščamo, da se vsi sistemi ponovno normalno odzivajo. Po doslej zbranih informacijah je ob izvajanju gradbenih del prišlo do prekinitve linije, na kar je programska oprema za upravljanje z diskovnim poljem odreagirala napačno. S pomočjo proizvajalca diskovnega sistema smo uspeli sanirati problem okrog 11h dopoldne. Zaradi velikega števila strežnikov, ki se nahajajo v računalniškem oblaku je ponovna vzpostavitev v polno funkcionalno stanje trajala okrog 50 minut.

Spletno mesto uporablja piškotke zaradi boljše uporabniške izkušnje. Z uporabo naše spletne strani potrjujete, da se z njihovo uporabo strinjate.